Thursday, October 20, 2011

Generes and My response to "The Case Against College"

For our next class assignment I would like to write a fable. This is because it requires including a lot of details in order to tell a story. I feel that I lacked strong details in many essays that I have have written before. Therefore, by forcing myself to write a piece that requires more details I will prove to myself that I have the skills and ability to improve my writing. An example of a short fable is

"The Case Against College" by Dale Stephens

I learned from both Dale and Sir Ken Robinson that schools are taking away students creativity. This is because they are given a set of rules that they must follow and to quote Emerson they "drill" things into the students minds. This takes away students ability and willingness to think for themselves. College is no help to the lack of creativity, but it is necessary to get a high paying job. But unfortunately it no longer guarentees that a person can even get a job. Therefore the best way for a person to go about college is to make sure that they work outside of school and make sure that they take some creative opportunities.

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