Thursday, November 10, 2011

Using an Argument Template

The American Scholar

The general argument made by Emerson in his work The American Scholar, is that individuals need to learn things on their own through experience in order to be an American Scholar. More specifically, Emerson argues that not enough people can be considered scholars in America. He writes "The mind of this country, taught to aim at low objects, eats upon itself." In my view, Emerson may be right that in modern day people aim low and are not scholars. More specifically, I believe that many schools in America, especially schools in poverty, "baby" kids. For example,  many people are taught at lower grade levels hen they should be and therefore they have no ambition for the future. Although Emerson was talking about people during his time, i believe that they were more ambitious to learn new things. I maintain that in modern day people are not trying to learn like they were back then. Therefore I conclude that many modern day people are not heading on the right path in order to be an American Scholar.

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